Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Secret...

Before I started online marketing I thought that the whole "self help/power of positive thinking" industry was a complete rip off. Preying on the weak minded masses looking for someone with the magic bullet to make all their worries disappear.

And I thought that way about the industry until I spoke with my first real mentor. I'm not disclosing any names, but this mentor told me that she acctually refuses to work with anyone that doesn't do personal development. You could imagine what I thought when she said that and then she reccomended a few books to me..the first which was titled The Secret.

Well anyone who's heard of this book can tell you that the title really sparks interest. But this book and the message it contained literally (lol its a book :) ) changed my life. The author really did a great job tracking down some of the most successful people in the world who really understood what the Secret really was and how to use it to transform their life. Spme of the powerful teachings in this book come from Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Rev. Michael Beckwith to name only a few of these wonderful teachers.

I would not be in the position of leadership with the knowledge I have now if I had not discovered this book and began to apply the knowledge within.

If you're serious about your success, or maybe you just need to read something uplifting to get you through the day.. Perhaps your life has fallen into shambles, this book is for you.

Grab your copy here.

To your Success,

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