Sunday, February 8, 2009

Important Info For ALL Network Marketers!!!

Hello, Hello

Rick here and I wanted to address a BIG problem in our industry. Recently it has come into the light that 97% of network marketers are failing in their business. Now I'm sure that some of the people in that bracket are the traditional whining, complaining, take me by the hand, employee mindset people that NOBODY wants to do business with. But why is that those that have that true entrepreneurial mindset failing in their business?

One of the reasons would be due to lack of training in their business. A lot of people come into the network marketing business with little or no knowledge of how to run an effective business. They have no marketing/sales training. They have no experience in running their own business. They have no idea where to start or what to do. And this isn't the biggest problem. Mind you it is a BIG problem..but it is not the biggest.

Another reason that they are failing, which I hope is nobody who is reading this , is their upline. A lot of times, and I experienced this one in my first network marketing venture, their upline sponsor is just as lost and confused as they are! Now this person is supposed to be the one LEADING them in setting up their business and HELPING them on their way to POSITIVE CASHFLOW! Again..another HUGE problem..but still not the biggest...

Reason number THREE would be that the marketing strategies that the network marketer is taught are INCREDIBLY outdated. All the list making of family and friends, coworkers, COLD CALLING TOTAL STRANGERS. Putting flyer ads on car windshields in parking lots, writing newspaper true enough these things CAN bring in leads for retail products and maybe some new distributors..but they're TIME consuming, and INCREDIBLY expensive. Most people get into this industry to make money and make money quickly, not lose $1,000 and MAYBE make a mickey mouse check in three months.

Something that really yanks my chain is that most people that join a network marketing company, especially now days, found the company ON THE INTERNET and the upline and even the network marketing company DO NOT TEACH YOU HOW TO MARKET ON THE INTERNET!!!

And now for the double whammy..THE BIGGEST PROBLEM in network marketing (in my personal opinion and experience) is the FACT that the BIG long term residual income that most people want comes from building a downline.
Now building a downline is not a problem so don't misunderstand. I personally LOVE my downline, they're all great people. The problem comes in from the network marketing mentality that's taken over. It's like a plauge..the era of getting in on the pre-launch. New network marketing companies are coming out every 9-12 months now and when people don't get the results they want..they find that new opportunity thinking that if they get in on the ground floor they're going to be successful.

This can be true, but people with that type of mindset will often find failure after failure after failure and end up spending themselves into bankruptcy. A new network marketing company launching every 9-12 months with this mindset running rampant creates a HUGE risk for those that have been in the industry for years and is going to cause a lot of headaches for those that are new to the industry. It makes building a downline like trying to fill a leaking bucket.
So let me ask you this..If I could show you how to make TENS or HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars per month WITHOUT anybody even joining your primary business..would you want to know how?

If I could teach YOU what the top earners are doing to stay in business and stay afloat in this turbulant time of network marketing would you want learn how?
Now I'm not promising you that you WILL make that much..because it all really depends on you and how active and aggressive you want to be. But I am promising you that the tenchniques and training provided WILL explode your income and set you on your path to the financial freedom that you deserve.

If you're interested and would like to learn more about this revolutionary principle of G.P.T. that has been used by the top earners for years now..I invite you to sign up for my free training course..

You can sign up at

I'm here to help.

Rick Antle

"Whatever the mind of man can can achieve"
-W. Clement Stone

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